Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Please, pay your taxes, bet you didn't know I get part of them?

Ok, like this is funny as hell.  See, I own a farm.  We raise grain.  80 years ago in the US the Congress and Senate decided farmers needed welfare because some years grain prices fell below their production cost.  Now, the last few years it has been so sweet, grain prices are wildly high.  Any farmer not making money now is an idiot.
Along comes the Republican party, they want the farmers votes, and they want to chop the legs out from under every charitable support system for the poor.  How can they do both?  Here's the funny as hell part!  Oh this is bloody cool.  Continue the welfare price supports, and, cut food stamps given to the poorest among us.  Is that a stroke of genius or what?
Please please continue to pay your taxes, some of which were transfered to me a few weeks ago, loved it, while grain prices continue to find new highs.  Screw the poor, screw you, send money.  Oh yea, in the past I begged you to drink and eat anything and everything that had highfructose corn syrup in it, the shit is flat out posion, get fat and die young is the message, oh, I digress, OK, not planting corn this spring, soybeans, so that goes into all kinds of things, but not as harmful as corn, which when fed to cattle causes stomach trouble, and used as fuel that's a hoot as it takes a gallon of petrol to make about a gallon of ethanol which delivers fewer btu's to your car engine meaning less power per gallon.
It's all too funny don't you think?


  1. Yes, as usual, it's corporate welfare for the rich and capitalism for the poor.

  2. Whit, your excellent observation earns you an "A". Corporate farming is hugh and growing with hog chicken factory farms, mega feed lots, and giant grain operations spanning large areas. Those operations will not be denied the advantages they seek.

  3. Oh, and what is it the government price support payments are for. All starchy grains, milk and cheese, sugar. Is it any wonder people are fat and of poor health. At least some of it should be spread to the cabbage and turnip growers.

  4. Corporate welfare and even Gov Cuomo, a Democrat is buddying up to that idea. It's sick. Plain and simple.


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