Sunday, July 24, 2011

Global warming and fish kills

This a photo of fish in a Kansas lake Saturday killed by warm water, lack of oxygen, and algae flares.  108°F here, over 100° statewide. Some small lakes are estimated to have a near total die off.   Like humans with a fever, it takes only a few degrees outside "normal" to kill plants and animals.   Quail and Pheasant are being wiped out in some districts, deer have a disease picked up from stagnant water predicted to kill half of them by fall.  And today in the local news, oil men claiming rumors of GW is a plot by scientist to destroy America.


  1. State wildlife guys say the increased time between the last freeze of winter and the first freeze in the fall is making a longer disease period for wildlife, and livestock. Cold snaps end the life of many insects and organisms in the soil and water that live by infesting those creatures. Global warming is creating a longer health risk season for these animals.

  2. I imagine that the heat will have an affect on my fall pheasant hunt success.

    Upside - It is raining in Eagle Creek, Indiana.


  3. Fringe,
    In Saturday's paper here in New Zealand, readers reported several dead octopuses washed up on nearby beaches. Nobody is quite sure why but nobody can recall seeing more than the occasional one in times past.

  4. Man is the only species that denies reality. Or needs to. ; )


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