Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Could Mittins be a billionaire, someone thinks so.

Bloomberg?  Not sure, but the media say there is a Republican billionaire telling them the reason Mittens can't release multiple years of returns is it may show he is a billionaire, or so another billionaire  suspects it might.  Rumor?  Maybe, but it was on one Lawrence Odonnells sow, hey the other side goes with talk shows as facts.
I never thought of that as a possibility, but when you give it a minute, at the volume of money that firm handled in some deals, the profits they took off transactions, and you see there are plenty of these kind of guys making 100M a year and more, it only takes a few years of that to add up.  What ever the problem, it is so severe that Mittens thinks taking all this crap is a better choice.  He runs on his success at Bane, but now can't let us know if he really was successful, or what he did, or when, or what they did.  Vote for me on my record at Bane, which is private and you have no right to know if we paid taxes or invested in Russia or profited off the mortgage crisis.


  1. Is it likely? Does a fat bear fart in the woods? Yes.

  2. Darrel,
    This is a trust and credibility issue that will stay with Romney until he makes a full disclosure. Ann Romney even said, that the two had given up all that they are willing to do so.
    My question, and I am certain that of others is - What is he hiding? The Fall ads will pound that...


  3. I bet an easy perusal of his financial statments would show he was one of the 52,000 Americans who were aided by the Bush Administration in moving Billions over to UBS.

    1. I'd put a month's salary on that one too. He who has nothing to hide, hides nothing.


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