Saturday, August 4, 2012

Statistician info

 These latest numbers are from Nate Silver, the best (according to my source).  Chance of win: BO 71.1%, MR 28.9%, electoral votes 299 to 238, popular vote 50.7% to 48.3%.  These numbers have improved for Obama the last few days.

Obama is hammering Rummy with the fairness story, and it is working like a charm.  Is it fair that the top 1% pay lower tax rates than the rest of us.   Is it fair that some people and corporations hide money off shore and use questionable loop holes (such as the IRA with 100M in it)?  Is it fair that Rummy demanded Kennedy show his tax records in their race, or the the husband of another rival his, yet he will not show his?  Is it fair that the GOP wants to kill the affordable health act while they enjoy it in the Congress?  Is it fair that the rich have more free speech than the middle or poor or that corporations are people?  This fairness thing, the square deal subject is working and Rummy is no experience with it, to him giving a sucker an even break is weakness.

The mixed economic news last week came down with voters as more good than bad, which helped the President.  The trip to Europe by Rummy to see his $77k horse along with his fuck-ups didn't help him at all.  

The press likes to run around in late Oct. and Nov. finding people who claim they haven't made up their minds yet, they are fooling themselves.  Tracking these people show they vote the way they did last time near 100%, it's meaningless, if they say last time was X or Y, then mark them down for same.   


  1. I was wondering if others felt the same about that privileged horse as I did.

  2. That horse business is just the tip of the iceberg. What other tax loopholes and dodges has he used. Why won't he release his tax returns?? He's only released ONE year, 2010. And an "estimate" of his 2011 return. If Harry Reid is right and RMoney hasn't paid any taxes for 10 years, that would explain why he won't release his tax returns. Maybe he has the Leona Helmsley philosophy "Only the little people pay taxes!!"

  3. Rubye Jack and Kulkuri:
    That horse lives in a padded stall so it won't get scratched or crib (chew wood in the stall, fences or feed bunks), has airconditioning, sky lights, regular wash and rub down, better health care than 2/3 of Americans. But can it trot in the mud?

    1. Romney was actually in the River City yesterday at a fund-raiser for that dork-assed Secertary of the Treasury we have that lost count of where $500 million was at a BQ place in the northside.
      Sarge will not be dining there.
      Mittens in lacking in the polls due simply to a credibility and trust problem. Naturally, the tax returns (this latest thing with Harry Reid), his IRA, and his unwillingness to get specific on issues. Saying that he will create X number of jobs and lower unemployment rates to under 5% is fine - Except, show us the plan.

      Obama will kill the numb nuts fuck in the debates...


    2. Sarge,
      I think he will squeak by, but the overwhelming advertising of the richest Americans are going to take a toll, and blocking of voters an additional toll. It will be a nail biter I fear inspite of his current lead. As for the Senate and Congress, I suspect the reichwing will end up more or less in the same position. Gerrymandering leaves little in the house possible to change, and the senate will gain a couple more repub dingbats.


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