Rmoney is running adds endorsing this Murdock war on women warrior, and refuse to take them down, hopefully they will continue long enough for women all over the nation to see Rmoney is a douchebag. It's kind of a gift to democrats, "something God intended".
Well, at least it's better than saying that pregnancy from rape is impossible. Or is it? I don't know. I do know that it is time to separate all religion from all politics.
DeleteWhat is sad is that this bagger,zealot is from Vanderburgh County! Maybe we need to get a judge to have this fucker taken into custody and sent to Logansport (Indian's ko-koos nest) and find out what in the fuck is wrong with the man.
Alas, that might deprive a village of it's idiot.
Separation of Church and State is one of the keystones of our way of government - Yet, as of late - this doctrine has been eroded by the far right evangelicals -"We know what God wants".
Assholes like this embarrassment we have in Indiana is just a classic example of someone tryinmg to impose their religious views on others.