Monday, April 15, 2013

Corporations lending their brand to the Global Warming fight

There are a number of corporate groups formed to educate the public that global warming is going to harm humans and our current form of doing business.  This group of 35 just put out a statement telling the public the evidence continues to grow, we need to change our use of chemicals and fossil fuels, conserve and recycle to slow the process.

The best line from their statement:
We cannot risk our kids’ futures on the false hope that the vast majority of scientists are wrong.

 Currently 66% of the worlds largest corporations have adopted a sustainability plan of some degree.  Sadly for some of them it's "greenwash", for the group above they are truly taking steps.  See the little red and orange circle right side middle, New Belgian, thats a beer maker in Colorado, they buy only wind power, waste the smallest amount of water per liter of any beer maker, give employees who live near the plant bikes to ride to work.  90% of my bear is from this source.  Vote with your pocketbook.

1 comment:

  1. Darrel,
    It is all about Big Coal and the money flow...
    Who is the elder Senator from Kentucky?



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