Tuesday, June 25, 2013

150 years, but finally Lincoln has lost the civil war.

The supremes today ended the civil rights battles of the 60's by gutting the enforcement of President Johnsons laws, thus reversing in some small part the outcome of the civil war.  Those voter registration kids killed and burried in the pond damn, burried now again. While today minorities are not being trampled by horses and brought down by batons and police dogs, we know that elections in the confederate states is being crafted to keep them from voting, even in one city an election was recently canceled when polls show blacks would win a county seat, districts were redrawn overnight and the election rescheduled, no blacks elected.....sha-zam. And Latino's face it as well in Texas and Arizona. The language used by Roberts in the majority opinion was full of dog whistles to the right. "Sovereignty" shows up more than once in the opinion. Hang around the tea bags and the aryan nation yokels and this magic word is like sugar to a diabetic, they will run on blistered feet to get it. Sad day!

 Perhaps this will be the to the left what abortion was to the right, so repulsive as to start a backlash and full participation needed to shake the nation off it's slide into a kind of jim crow lite.


  1. Darrel,
    Add on the the back channel email - The Democrats are already planning legislation to negate the SCOUS decision on Voter Rights. That puts McConnell and Boehner in two hot spots - one on immigration and the other on voter rights just before the 2014 election.


  2. Studying starting new blog on blogspot.


  3. My wife will point out that good men and women have died since the Civil War defending the United States from foreign and domestic threats. There is no way that these states should ever achieve "sovereignty" to do whatever they wish.

    We continue as a nation to cover the same ground again and again. This was decided back in the 60s and should have been left there.

    I don't believe that the Civil War has been lost but the electorate in many of these southern states needs to turn out, every single time, as North Carolina and Virginia did to elect the current President for his first time.

    Not many people show up to mid term elections. They need to to get these baggers and their crazy social and political agenda back into the shadows and out of elected office.


    1. Rich, The more I read about the decision it is baffling, the basis of overturning it was that congress voted on something they did not understand and had not studies enough or documented enough. I don't dispute they should know what they vote on, but if this be the standard I suspect most our laws would fail the test, and how could they not if they encompass space, medicine, modern weapons, communication, the environment. It would be utterly impossible to fully understand in depth all this. I am really baffled they can use this as foundation to toss the law. If they re write it can't he throw it out again for the same reason. Clearly, and historically, Roberts has fought this law since he was a law clerk only 17 years after Johnson signed it.

  4. OF, I think they are headed for the bone yard but........ but if they can prevent free elections and recruit enough racist and oligarchs to the cause they may never go away. We could if not careful become like Mexico politics where one party has been in power around 90 of the last 100 years.


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