Friday, October 28, 2011

They didn't want to die, so they got serious, dairies to berries

Been on a almost 100% vegi diet now for 2.5 months, no down side, feel fine.  Cost, more for vegi's fruits, nuts, whole grains, beans, but no meat, so we can't see any difference in our total costs.

1 comment:

  1. Darrel,
    You are eating chicken and fish/shellfish? Salmon is excellent! As is cod.

    I am redeveoping by "gorp" barrel- Like Chex-Mix with some vatiations - improves digestion.
    Ruffage - I also do salads, beans, rice, and some fruit.

    SK was a vegertarian - I got her to eat trout.
    Then, came the Sicilian place and pasta - She would do chicken but no red meat.

    I am going back to three meals a day. Small but regular.




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