Monday, November 28, 2011

Venezuela preparing for crackdown.

Chavez is bringing all the gold the nation holds in reserve in banks in Europe and the US to Venezuela.  Last week a cargo loaded with gold bricks flew from France, a hugh army force met the plane and carried the gold to storage, others are scheduled.  He has seen this year the news, when dictators OK shooting people in the streets, torturing and killing people snatched from homes, offices and off the streets, the rest of the world retaliates by taking over your gold.    I think he is doing this for a reason, and it's not fear of Swiss or Japanese banks have a security issue.


  1. On the other hand it's nice to see so much gold return to it's home, South America. As soon as Europe found that place they stole it by the ton. The wealth of Europe from the 1500's until now is balanced on the back of gold stolen from the Indians.

  2. Chevez has cancer and a coup could occur any day. So, maybe moving the gold back to Caracas
    is good for the Venezuelean people.


  3. Fringe,
    What Sarge said except maybe Chavez needs the gold to pay for cancer treatment in the US.


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