Wednesday, December 14, 2011

2.5 million kids have health care that would be without if the GOP had their way

According to Secretary of Health K. Sebelius because of Obama care 2.5 million kids and young people in the US got to stay 1 year longer on their parents policy (age limit increased) and younger kids could not be denied due to their health history gave us at least this many receiving health that would not have otherwise.   If the GOP gets their way, these kids will be cut off, parents will go bankrupt caring for them, kids will die.
What do the Gingrich and Romney death panels look like? A GOP win at the ballot box.

1 comment:

  1. Darrel,
    As aretired insurance agent I can speak with some knowledge over the benefits of ObamaCare.
    No longer can insurance companies deny a person coverage due to a pre-existing condition or cancel them because they are sick or injured. I think this kicks in 2014. This is fantastic! You cannot imagine how many people I have seen denied coverage for minor stuff - acne for one example.
    Yet, back to my rantin about the lobbyists, the Congress on the take and what reality is on the Hill. Mitch McConnell, who fought ObamaCare was getting scads of money from the insurance industry (especially Humana based in Lousisville). The biggest issue in the mandate for everyone to have health insurance coverage.
    Why do we need that? Well, it is simple and it is called the principle of large numbers - the larger the client base paying in; the less the risk. What that means in real life is: Lets say I have a small group - fairly healthy but with one heart attack case - I may rider or decline the heart case on a group under 5 employees. ^ or more - I take them all or none. On a big group, say that Ford dealer I did - 102 people -
    I took two active pregnancies (paid for the births)and several major health issues.

    The reason behind the opposition to ObamaCare isn't just the money - they do not want to give that nigger a single success. Yet, they will claim that their obstruction of everything is just partisan politics.

    If for no other reason to vote for Obama, do it so he can shove that hot black dick up McConnell's ass as he whispers in his ear, "I am not a one-termer, bitch".



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