Thursday, September 29, 2011

Now that the county laid off more ambulance drivers, this.

Just in time for millions of aging baby boomers to retire and squint through their cataracts the government decided to raise the speed limit to 80 on our pot hole infected hiways.  Oil companies in Kansas, along with the state wanting more tax dollars already did it here on roads they had jurisdiction over, why, to boost gas sales, they made no bones about it.  For most cars 70 to 80 is about a 20% decrease in economy.  Around 50mph aerodynamics kicks in hard and the rate of mpg goes down faster than the mph goes up, especially in a flatland wind.  Trucking companies fought for this with big oil, thank them the next time you follow a gravel truck at 80.
My uncle says it's about god damn time they open up the roads to drivers,  76,  pulls a boat with a jeep in between eating pills, has been known to get on the wrong side of the median, yea, this is good news for everyone on the road.


  1. After paying $150 of Sarge's beer money for a speeding ticket - his ass uses caution and cruise control - and, actually my 09 KIA suv does great while on cruise control - not bad normal - 23 on the highway and really not that bad in town - my trips are all under ten miles daily.

    Goig to Evansville and back used to run me $80.
    I bet I can do it for less tyhan $60 Wednesday...


  2. If 80 is the limit, what will they actually do? 90? 95? Yumpin' yiminy.


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