Monday, September 12, 2011

What's in a Burger?

Load those kids up, get'm over there for some udders and lips, glands and organs, see how they shine.


  1. Anus burgers by any other name is still as sweet. Ever wonder why we have so damn many fat people and disease. Each year in the US a few hundred people are killed by meat fish diary borne disease and parasites, millions are sickened from near death experience, to the very common evening on the crapper. Vegi borne diseases are but a few in comparison, and most often traced back to animal waste infected run offs/water supply or improper chemical applications.

    Oh you just wait, I'm going to have you dumping your sugar out the back door tomorrow. You won't even believe this.

  2. OK, heres todays headlines ripped off the NYtimes reporting that the industry after years of industry induced delays; "Federal food safety officials said on Monday that they would ban the sale of ground beef containing six toxic strains of E. coli bacteria that have increasingly been showing up in the food supply, taking a long-delayed step that was opposed by many in the meat industry."

    OK, but the industry then says; "Imposing this new regulatory program on ground beef will cost tens of millions of federal and industry dollars -- costs that likely will be borne by taxpayers and consumers. It is neither likely to yield a significant public health benefit nor is it good public policy."

    The industry is correct in their statement that it won't save your kids life, since the meat is packed full of other shit that will kill your kids this is sort of a waste of time. They are wrong about the cost, you won't see any difference from this, the drought in cattle country is what will run up beef prices.

  3. crapola - I've been 'marinating' steaks since last night. I guess I should trash them and get my oatmeal back out.


  4. Ice,
    Steaks and roasts are actually the safest, the larger the piece the safer. Go for it. Most contamination is found on the outer surfaces of the meats. It's the ground beef that has so much in it from; poorly cleaned machinery, and various treatments to kill germs, transport and wait time during processing and packaging.
    Now, ignoring the germs and parasites and chemicals from processing, my family stopped raising beef 15 years ago when a vet was alarmed that we were going to butcher one of our cattle for our own use, he had been out the month before and put ear tags in that meter out hormones and we were feeding them the standard medicated cow chow. My father-in-law was upset, said what the hell are we doing, we can't be part of this, were selling these cattle to slaughterhouses for others to eat and now we know it's not fit for us to eat. Over the next year the cattle were sold off. Since then, most of grandpa's (father-in-law) family gets by with very little meat these days, practically vegans.

  5. I may never look at a Whopper with such fondness again. ....

  6. Skinny;
    Steering away from the Whopper (or it's competitors down the street) will not harm your health, but the opposite may be true.


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