Monday, January 23, 2012

Kansas finds a creative way to starve US born children of Mexicans .

1) Reichwing uber Catholic convert Governor Sam Brownback quietly saved me some more tax money a couple months back and it only made news now.  Kansas now refuses food stamps and other support to children who are citizens if any non citizen are at  the same address.  More than 2,000 households are cut off now.  One speaking out is a Mexican women who works by the way and has a green card, but she is not a citizen, she has 3 children, 2 US citizens and one is illegal, they are all cut off of food stamps, she tried to get just the food stamps for the 2 citizen kids, but this will not be permitted.  As I understand it the illegal kid and she will have to move out for the 2 kids to get support, at which point the kids would have to be taken from her for abandoning them.     But, the good news is, I don't pay to feed this family now.  I suppose if she robs someone so they can eat, and is arrested well that will prove she was another dangerous Mexican and we will put her in jail for 10 years to prove Kansas will not support her mixed up multi-citizen family, even if she is working legally.    Strangely, a Catholic service in Kansas City is complaining about the plight of these kids.

2) But why should these kids be treated differently from the many thousands of disabled Kansans who are now cut off from home health care, some living in their own filth now, but that should take care of it's self through Darwinism.

3) The state house having changed the ways judges are appointed, no longer does the BAR have input, the governor now does it, is now moving on to allow the governor to give away hunting licenses to whom ever he wants.  Wow, reads like the adventures of Robin Hood with the mean lords giving away high posts and control of the hunt.  Did not include fishing licenses, maybe because he has closed some state lakes, no doubt he will soon sell them.

4) Some of you may know I own a farm, and I have a rare treasure, a water permit to pump 710 gallon per minute to a yearly limit of 1.3 acre feet, (like 16" of standing water), these permits are hard to get, or so I thought.  Today I learn over 600 new wells are applied for and being approved without fail at a fast pace. Fracking!  It is unlikely any new wells can be drilled for farming purposes in my area, but for fracking no prob.  They are said to be temporary wells.  They will each mine hundreds of thousands of gallons of wonderful cold clean clear wetness, mix it with chemicals and pump it far into the earth where it will never be returned to the surface/atmosphere, it's gone forever.  This so we get some more oil and natural gas this year.  This water is finite, in some areas the water table is falling fast, this is a waste of a resource to bring up a surplus of another resource (we now export much of the new found oil and gas capacity).  Use it up folks, drill baby drill, profit now.  This additional use of water will return some areas to "dry land farming" with far less food production.  When?  One growing season, 50 growing seasons, who cares,  profit now.

1 comment:

  1. Darrel,
    Does Kansas have a large Latino population? If so, why doesn't La Raza or one of the Hispanic political action groups go after the state with class action suits filed in state and federal courts?
    Until the Republicans get the 14th Amendment modified or abolished - any child born in the US is an American citizen and due all rights and prevlidges granted other US citizens.

    This is why we have lawyers...



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