Thursday, January 12, 2012

The US is cutting down on meat, and most health studies think that's a really good trend.

Beef consumption is back to 1950's level, pork to late 70's, chicken the charts red line has peaked to.  Meatless Mondays and people going for smaller portions is most of it.  Price has driven some to eat less.  Also the number of plant based diet consumers is growing fast, in our extended family we went from none to three and there are a group of others who now eat meat in small amounts, totally different than what they did a couple of years ago.

There are some studies out that point to hormones and testosterone being given to livestock as causes of cancer in humans, obesity, early puberty onset, and other maladies as well.  If you want to see these studies let me know I can hook you up, but if you want to be happy while you eat the medicines and chemicals they put in your meat, believe it won't really hurt you, and would rather have 12 minutes of chin drippin good times at the table than stay out of the hospital then don't let me bum you out.  Shit, we use to raise cattle till my father-in-law was told by the vet to sell his cattle rather than butcher one for his own use because of the hormones, dad said thats it, what the hell are we doing being part of this.

People object to not eating meat on the false rationale they need the protein.  Vegi's and grains and beans and nuts have protein, if you eat a good varitey of this you get enough, look at our ancestors that came out of Europe to settle the US, hell most those people in 1700 and 1800 rarely ever ate meat, as do few in India and China.

Did you know the livestock raised for meat consumes enough grain to feed 8 billion people, more people than we have living at the moment.


  1. I have just about eliminated red meat. Now, I do admit to nailing two monster chops marked down in the butcher shop at the grocery next door. $3.52 for two good 1 and a half inch thick large chops was too good of a deal to pass up. Tomorrow night is steamed cod and asparagus.


    1. Ron, All things in moderation, except perversions, do those as much as possible.

  2. Fringe:

    My wife and I limit our red meat intake to about four servings a month. We also have two vegetarians in the family now.

    1. Whit,
      Wow, I am really glad to hear from you, it's been a while. I tried the thing over at the reunited site, boy that just doesn't click for me. Hey by the way, did you write once you worked at one of the universities in Calif.? My son is finishing up his PhD and jobs are almost zero, Calif. colleges are almost not hiring at all, normally they absorb a couple hundred in his field alone. He said any PhD job opening now gets 300 applications. A couple years ago before he was near finished he was on the short list at Notre Dame and Cornell and a couple others but now that he is at a stage to finish at any time - nothing.
      Keep up the healthy diet, and stop by again.


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