Friday, February 3, 2012

A german friend got me to join avaaz, a world wide fast response team

Huge Win on Hilton Hotels vs the Rape Trade

  • JANUARY 2011
24 hours after 317,000 Avaazers called on the Hilton CEO to sign a code of conduct on the rape trade or face hard-hitting ads in his hometown, we got a frantic call from his vice-president. 'You're going to WHAT?', she asked. Hilton had dragged its feet for months. We gave them four days, and they signed. Now 180,000 hotel employees will be trained to spot and prevent the horror of of sex slavery of women and girls.

Above is just one of the successes of avaaz, a world wide internet connected fast response team to shock, surprise and change the destructive actions of governments, brutal police forces, corporations, and corrupt officials on social and environmental issues.  It is well worth it and you only need give them an email, zip and the country your in and you are on the list, about once a week they offer an action for your consideration.  Do it.  It truly is global citizenship.


  1. The Indianapolis Metropolitain Police, Marion County Sheriff, and the Indiana State Police have iniated a crackdown on "human trafficing".
    Now, most of us think of some black pimp and a Jody Foster situation. I doubt that is happening.

    They way I see it, if a woman wants to get on her back in order to get on her feet - Have at it.

    I will visit that web page...


  2. Thanks Sarge, please join this group, I already have 2 others join today through emails. Well of course this action is not directed at the free-lance self-employed type, which by the way are not to many these days in most markets due to pimps running them off as competitors. Rather this is directed towards kids and adults who are sold or kidnapped or tricked into the business and often cannot escape, only get away when they are so unattractive or sick they are no longer marketable, or die.


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