Monday, February 13, 2012

Lets spend 2012 talking about contraception and how unfair taxing the rich is.

Got a vagina, got a few assets, the GOP has plans for you.


  1. Where did you that Robin Hood thing?


  2. Drag if off and save it if you can use it. I got it weeks ago, I don't recall where.

    Look, this issue of controlling womens vagina's and protecting the riches plundering from the middle class of this nation, and by the way the rich don't give a shit about moving production to China, they close the factory here and THEY buy the product in China and import it. They make money either way, usually more as importers, and they prefer you pound sand up your ass than ask them to pay a proportional share of this countries overhead.

  3. Take a listen to Sean Hannity's panel from 2/13. It's worth a listen because if anyone knows about birth control it's a panel of angry, flabby, pasty-faced, old white male virigns...

    And BTW, thanks for the plug, I'm very flattered you think my posts worthy of a repost! Glad I found your blog as well!


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