Monday, March 5, 2012

Climate change, not the Arab Spring caused the revolution in Syria?

Look at this map.  Recall that the Pentagon, the CIA, the German Military, are among only 3 of many well respected sources who warned Global Warming will lead to failed states, wars, mass migrations, not in decades, or years, but starting now!
Syria's fight for freedom does not fit the model of Arab Spring as the news media says it does.  The spark to rise up against the dictator was the severe drought and weather events leaving tens of thousands of farmers and herders with total crop failure and total loss of livestock, economic collapse of agriculture regions.  The unrest here did not rise up in the largest cities as in Egypt and Tunisia, but was born in the dead fields and collapsing villages and spread into the towns and small cities.  The farmers are starving now like their animals last year, empty bellies do not fear  repressive governments and corrupt cops, the hunger drives people to take chances.
This map shows the most severe drought conditions also exist in Greece, Portugal, Albania, Jordan, Spain, the other countries with some of the worst economic conditions at the moment and with some levels of civil unrest.  Are their current difficulties related to weather?  Perhaps.   Israel too is in this red zone, however up to now still have water partly through the practice of holding it back from neighbors, which may be unsustainable.
If you want the whole story:

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