Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Skin rash, sleep problems, gout, depression, migraines, here's the cure

Over the years, many of those who stalk the blogs here have written about severe weight problems, rashes, headaches, sleep trouble, high cholesterol, diabetes, joint trouble, viagra dependancy and so on.  There is a cure, it is easy easy easy.  If you have Netflix, watch "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead".  A funny and educational documentary that will give you the secret to cure your ills and turn you into a hot stud or chick again.


  1. Fringe:

    Thanks for the juicy video. :^)

  2. Your making me feel guilty about the fried chicken, mashed potatos and gravy, and slaw on the menu for tonight. Now, I do schedule soup and salad days, shrimp fried rice, steamed fish and broccoli - stuff like that.

    Good post...


  3. Whit:
    Enjoy, and find that movie, it is funny, and educational.

    Find a way to see this movie, you will be amazed, I am sure it would cure your skin rashes and gout and other troubles, prevent diabetes, easy to do.

  4. Sarge:
    Your odds of getting healthy by eating an "occasional" salad and steamed broccoli meal is about the same as me being invited to bang a bus load of elderly lesbians on their way to the ice capades.

  5. If you can abide the smell of stale cod on their breath - they aren't bad girls....
    The wanting to be on top can become tiresome...


  6. "Banging a busload...." oh fringe, that was funny as hell....


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