Monday, December 19, 2011

buy Chiquita bananas, screw the tar sands, screw the oil companies

Inter industry warfare?  The fossil fuel industry is asking for the public to boycott Chiquita bananas.  The fruit company came out a few days ago with a brave position against the the XL pipeline moving tar sands oil from Alberta Canada to the US gulf coast, mostly for export to other nations, was "all risk, and no benefit"to the US.   They also made reference to resulting dirty oil smoke harming the tropical fruit business.

The tropical Fruit Farmers and their marketing organizations know production of fruit is being harmed by rising global temperatures and pollution.   Boycott farmers and marketers that dare to care about their fruit production, and your ability to buy it?  No, I think the opposite will happen, I think people will reward  Chiquita.


  1. Good post, I hadn't heard of this. Still, I wonder what Chiquita's record is like, regarding human rights and local environmental issues. Better than that of United Fruit? Or are they a division of United Fruit?

  2. Kevin,
    I don't know and I thought of that very thing when I first saw they had pissed off fossil fuel. But, at the moment I feel like the kid on the Arab street says, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

  3. Mooner,
    I'm sorry to say your never going to get over the cramps, but it sounds like those bananas will help.

  4. Darrel,
    I think the pipeline is a good idea if it is moved to avoid the possibility of contaminating the aquifers.



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