Friday, December 2, 2011

How did the police go from our best buddies to looking like the Egyptian army?

I am sure this lady was such a threat to the safety of these guys in riot gear that stepping on her head was the only way possible to ensure public tranquility.  

Question: Under the law voted last night by the United States Senate, if one of these officers said the person being stood on made a threat against the nation, she could be turned over to the military for a life time of imprisonment with no lawyer or legal recourse, no rights, back to the middle ages, dungeons.  Obama must veto this military budget, he must not sign it with this law as part of it.  This creates a police.  We have all heard of planted evidence, lies and corruption of some police over the years resulted in innocent in jail, even executions.  Well........  If bat shit crazy Bachmann, Noot, and Fox news so easily claims some democrats should be jailed for perceived ties to terrorist, muslims and so on, then where the hell do you think this law will lead to if those people are running the nation?


  1. Fringe,
    A compromise vote was taken to avoid an all but certain veto by Obama - plus the Supreme Court would have ruled the law as unconstitutional.
    The Jose Padilla case is exactly why the military has no business being involved in detaining federal prisoners.


  2. Fringe - More:
    Cops don't make shit for pay. Indiana State troopers make $28K - IMPD is like $35K. Well they become cops to protect and serve? That is bullshit. The motherfuckers are pricks and enjoy being fucking pricks.

    A little Ktistofferson here:
    "Billy Dalton staggered on the sidewalk; someone said he stumbled and he fell.
    Six squad cars came screaming to the rescue; hauled old Billy Dalton off to jail.

    The law is for the protection of the people as and fool can clearly see and we don't need no drunks like Billy Dalton scaring decent folks like you and me.

    Homer Lee Hunnicut was nothing but a hippie; walking through his world without a care. Then, four stapping brave policemen held down Homer Lee and cut his hair.

    The law is for protection of the people and rules are rules as any fool can clearly see; and we don't need no hairy-headed hippies scaring decent folks like you and me.

    So, thank you lucky stars you got protection; walk the line and never mind the cost; never wonder who them lawmen were protecting when they nailed the savior to the cross.

    Because, the law if for protection of the people and rules are rules as any fool can see;
    and we don't need no riddle speaking prophet scaring decent folks like you can me".


  3. I wouldn't be so sure about the Supreme Court, Sarge.


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