Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Colorado to make history illegal to know.

OK, not illegal, but....... the state this week voted a new cirriculum for high school history that will block any "uncomfortable or wish it wasn't so" history to be taught.  Only the happy stuff, free market triumphs, patriotic stuff.
Earlier this week Denver teachers had a sick call in day, yesterday students walked out of a number of high schools and protested what they call "censored education" and creating a "secret history to be determined by conservatives".
I wonder if they will expel students for asking about Watergate, or Tea Pot Dome, the New Deal, or the  whore house George Washington and his officers frequented?  Maybe the gun screening at the door will also look for old history books, with their stories of race riots and slave ships?


  1. Guess nutters rule that school board like they do a lot of other stuff as well. A plan started decades ago that has paid off nicely for the Right.

    1. Hi O.F. they did, and until we, you, me, sarge, go see these geeks in their offices and tell them we don't like what they do, ask them to change, then they will continue, they may continue anyway, but without a visit for sure they will.

  2. These people need to relax and light up! Their religion has damaged their brains.....

    1. Also Sprach ........., welcome, I hope they will lighten up too, Sarge said it well, see below.

  3. Z,
    Religion damages everyone's brain. Sprituality is personal contact with the devine; religion is crowd control.


    1. Sarge, what about the crosses on your sidewalks in Evansville, did they get to put them back up?


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