Thursday, November 1, 2012

stupidity, or insanity in the family, very disturbing

1) My friend I wrote about who's 85 yr old mother lives in front of Fox news, who is upset almost every day that Obama is trying to destroy America, when the daughter told mom it's just not true she wouldn't talk to her for 2 weeks..... now comes the rest of the story.  She found her mother with a picture of Obama on cardboard with pins in it, asking what is it devout catholic mother told her it was voodoo, she and some other old ladies got these pictures and they get together or on the phone every few days and stick another pin in.  Well, the friend about flipped, she's wondering if mom is ready for sedation or the funny farm.  It is really bothering her, she says they are considering damaging moms TV somehow.  She said she expects mom to have a high blood pressure event on Nov 6 and 7.  She also thinks this is moms last election due to health issues, fox might kill her with the upcoming coverage of Obama stealing the election.
2) My sister (much older than me) usually avoids talking politics with me since she and all her kids are strong republicans, and hate the government, and all live off it, she and her husband worked in military programs and retired on SS, one kid is a teacher, one a prison guard, one in military, grandkid discharged from military during training from injury with permanent disability payment, another on SS disability, another working for defense contractor.  100% of the family is living off the government, and they hate the government, Obama, tax, and the people getting free rides.  What the fuck is wrong with this picture.  A couple years ago I pointed this out and a room full of em looked at one another and one said "Oh yea", but the rest were silent, and still they hate that imagined lazy government worker or the guy getting money setting home, (which is some of them).  OK, I digress, what pissed me off is a forwarded email yesterday about Obama the traitor, the claim is the marines were down the street from the consulate in Libya, with fighters overhead, lasers pointed at the attackers, and Obama said no, don't save them, leave.  And,,,,,,fucking and, Obama supplied the bad guys their weapons, and fired the General who got the rescue guys within a stones throw of the place.
Irrational thought is a terrible thing, seeing it in a family member is crushing.


  1. My point was, OK with me that they chose to be teachers and soldiers and so on, just don't act like everyone else who has a gov. job or collecting SS is unworthy.

  2. Thru some reading on embassy do's and don't's what is and is not allowed. Foreign embassy protocal around the world is an embassy can have marines, consulates cannot. Consulates are allowed to hire protection up to a point, usually no more than 1 or 2 allowed by most nations.

  3. With some people there seems to be an inverse proportion in that the more of their livelihood that comes from the government, the more they hate it. I have a cousin that's retarded Navy (or is that retired, after 20yrs it's hard to tell), 100% disability VA, disability SS from Army civil service. Every dime he has and every dime he would ever hope to have comes from the government and he hates the government with a passion. (His goal would be to never pay any taxes whatsoever. But if people don't pay taxes, where's his money going to come from???) Well the Democratic side of it anywho. Has Tricare, VA and probably now or soon Medicare and hates Obamacare because it is socialized medicine. I asked when he was going to give up his socialized medicine and he replied, he earned that.

    Heard this morning that the military tried sending troops from Europe and Ft. Bragg to Libya, but they couldn't get there in time to help.


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