Monday, November 26, 2012

Weaponize the Obama supporters

There is a machine setting in America on idle.  It registered hundreds of thousands, it got out the vote, it beat the GOP at Prez level, the Senate level, and it got a few more dems in the house, but more importantly it got around 300,000 votes more for dems running for congress than the repubs.  States are still counting absentee and provisionals, the trend in these is strong dem., the final vote will be 1,000,000 more votes for dem congress than repubs.  This fact needs to be known, this number is scary shit for repubs, that with a large majority of reps elected they lost the popular vote in congress by a million. This is nail biter stuff for them, this is some lop sided scary shit for them.  And Obama, and we, need to get some things done the next 2 years to take advantage of it.
Obama appears to be ready to use this machine to pressure congress on the budget and other issues.  Plus the machine needs to continue to run all the way to mid terms, which traditionally are repub gains. If you haven't called your rep or senator lately, your a failure.  It's time to weaponize.  Fuck'm.


  1. Did that.
    It was good to me...

    Yep, fuk em...


  2. I've responded to two different post-election surveys by Dems reminding them to CALL ON ME FOR HELP ON ANY LEGISLATION! They need to keep social media contacts open as the legislation bogs down, inspire flash-mob type actions to get the attention of obstinate Repubs, and make us the army for the cause!

    Remind folks that democracy is messy and sometimes requires more than showing up to vote.


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