Sunday, November 18, 2012

wind The Next Big Step, it was always there

A few miles from my home, a Siemens factory builds the nacelle, the box at the towers top.  Koch Industries is also a few miles off, they along with coal and oil industry in Kansas work non stop with law makers to cripple and close this plant.  This industry is a threat to fossil fuel.  Support the wind energy credit before Congress.  Big oil wants to kill wind power pretending it's for our benefit  to level the field on subsidies, while in fact fossil fuel gets billions, wind and solar get millions.  Let your congressman know you want them to support wind and solar credits, thousands of jobs depend on it, clean air and a cooler future need it.


  1. We most assuredly need it. Wind power that is.

  2. Wind power doesn't have a hope of success as long as Mitch McConnell(R-Ky) can block the vote. After all, look at all of the money ole Mitch gets from Peabody Coal Company. Same for converting Ohio River dams to generate hydroelectricity.
    King Coal rules...

    Evansville, In

    1. The congress may be the harder nut to crack than Mitch the coal shill.


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