Friday, August 26, 2011

Near vegan diet to stop tremors.

For a few years now we have been slowly eating less meat, and never that poison pig meat, but I have decided to go nearly vegan now.  Men in my family often get tremors in their hands starting in their 50's.  I have seen it so bad in one uncle he had difficulty keeping coffee in his cup when he lifted it, or food on his fork.  I am a young 60ish pup, and when tired, or under pressure, the hand shakes, and if I exert myself hard there is a little tremor in the arm muscle.

There are studies on this, and it's pretty clear.  Meat is the culprit.  In fact men who eat meat are 20 times as likely to develop shaking than vegetarians.  20 fold, thats worse than cigarettes, their risk multiplier for cancer is only 13 times.

It's done we are in the cult, my wife has ulcerated colitis, so she was eager to try vegan to see if it helps.

I will keep you posted if it works or not to slow my tremors or helps her intestinal trouble.  Our cholesterol numbers are good though they did jump up a bit last year, this will also be a test to see if those improve, every thing I read say they will.  Oh, I already like the clean up, it's less work to scrub pans if there was no meat in them.

Momma Cass  didn't choke on asparagus did she? 


  1. I've been eating turkey and fish, and a little chicken (and lots more fruit and veggies than I had ever before) since early June when I got a look at my blood pressure numbers.

    I wasn't trying to lose weight, just get the b.p. down, but I've lost 15 pounds without really trying. I still probably overeat, but now it's good stuff (mostly).

  2. Kevin:
    Good for you. Yours is the path we took a few years ago when I (skinny but with fat blood) had triglyceride of 850 and the wife had to have a stint. We cut down on meat and processed food and sugars. Stopped pork after a giant hog farm went in several miles from the farm and saw the poison recipe they were feeding these non-ambulatory puss bags. Now we are just taking it a step further. Glad to hear you are getting the b.p. down and the weight, these two things can keep you from seeing your kids graduate from high school.

  3. So, Kevin is the only one not afraid of the vegan cult?

  4. Kev, People are scared shitless of people who don't eat 10 or more ounces of fatty meat a day. Thats 2 quarter pounders and some bacon chicken nuggets. It takes 100 gallons to wash the shit and hair off beef at the slaughter house. Around Dodge City there are 4 kill shops, some with capacity to kill 5,000 a day. A peach doesn't take that much to wash.


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