Saturday, August 27, 2011

Words matter, and we better start using the right words.

Frank Luntz, the GOP's wordsmith has done them a hell of a job.  He would probably describe rape as an  asymmetrical pleasure experience.    He put out a letter a few years ago telling Republicans, if you can't avoid the subject, use the term "climate change", never "global warming.  It sounds harmless, no one is alarmed."  Then as soon as the term went into use, he said, "OK, now blame this new term on the environmentalist, claiming "global warming" wasn't working for them so they came up with this soft term to try to slip it past everyone.

Global Warming, that's what it is, use the correct term, people need to be alarmed.  Global fucking Warming!


  1. Bubba;
    Word smithing was the subject, and if god is killing polar bears and Texas wheat to punish us for gays, we need to find the right words to use to get to the source of these gays and shut it off. I say married people are the source of most gay people on earth, so "Pray away the straights"

  2. Bubba Sarge has returned to his cave.



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