Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Kentucky Senator Ashley Judd

Sure sounds better than Senator McConnell.  Mitch has never won in a landslide and 2014 is his year, 72 then.  This week McConnell hired a 2014 campaign manager, same guy that ran teabag Dentist Rand Pauls campaign.  Ashley, 8th generation Kentuckian, may be able to retire the red neck wattle of McConnell.  I sure hope so.  I have heard her in two interviews.  She is an excellent speaker, smart, and she cares about common folks and fair play for people and the environment.  It appears she will run.


  1. And she was once in a Star Trek TNG episode ...

  2. I don't know if the folks in my former, adopted state are/will ever be ready for a woman in the US Senate. If she does run though, you can count on one thing. Mitch "all the free speech money can buy" McConnell will stoop to any level to smear her name - and he has always had a massive campaign financing war chest to achieve that end.

  3. Rand Paul is an eye doctor not a dentist. Very few dentist get Medicare reimbursements, and Rand Paul got tons of Medicare money before he ran for the Senate by claiming he'd kill Medicare.

  4. Doubt if she can do any worse than the ones we've got. Hope she runs, and hope she wins.


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