Friday, September 30, 2011

Florida, is it low hanging fruit for Cain

Florida, thats the state that looks like a dick waiting on viagra.  Well the dicks are all in a froth slinging frenzy now.  Limp dick state moved up the Reichwing primary and the GOP wants none of it.  Interesting demographics there, it's a state crammed with minorities and land fills bloated with depends smelling of widowed women.  It also is the state where Herb (Palin calls him Herb, ah she can't help it, she was porned with an NBA dick in her mouth) Cain won the Florida straw poll, mopping the road to disneyland with chunks of Purry and Rummey.

Does anyone else wonder, hmmm, could it be the GOP wants to keep that black one from sucking all the momentum up with an early win?  Hey the contest is suppose to be formed early by atypical white bread states Iowa and New Hampshire.


  1. There was a lot of talk after the '08 mess about bringing some order to the batting order. Didn't get far, I guess. Last time, of course, it was the D side that created all the buzz.

  2. I have a ask, "What does a pizza peddler know about leading the nation - Didn't Godfather's go belly up once"?


  3. Fringe:

    I think the Florida electorate was impressed by Cain's promise to deliver.

    And then the Lord spoke, "Cain, where is your brother."

    Cain shrugged, "I dunno! Am I my brother's keeper?"

    Don't expect Cain to be his brother's keeper!


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