Thursday, September 1, 2011

Many of you (liberal or reichwing) bloggers do not understand oil production

The number of drilling rigs has soared to record levels.  Yet, the GOP, the fossil fuel industry, and even many of you (in recent postings) rant that we need to start drilling again (but only if safe and clean).  (Me to, I'm guilty, I overlook this from time to time because of the constant drill baby drill chant.)  Well look at this chart.

We are poking North America full of holes, with more drilling machines than ever in use in our history.  Oil prices did not go down, more oil is not on the market, and the press nor the GOP nor the oil companies have not given Obama one ounce of credit for letting them do what even the Bush's would not do, and they never will.  They will continue to claim the opposite of the truth, as normal.

Why didn't we get the benefit of all this drilling, why not lower prices?  Because dear slow friend of mine 1) oil is traded world wide in dollars, a few hundred new wells here is a drop in the worlds bucket, it is estimated by 2030 at this pace of drilling we will impact world prices 3 cents a gallon at the pump, thats it, thats the big fucking dream, lowering your fuel bill a couple dollars a month two decades from now.  Big fucking whoop!  2) there have been no new refineries built in 30 years, and many have closed, a few have expanded, our overall capacity to make oil into gas has gone up but not a lot, and thats the way the Kochs and Phillips intend to keep it, what do think they will invest or cut off their dick for you, get real.  3) see item #1, we are exporting some of our oil, especially from Alaska, speculators around the world are setting in fancy houses overlooking yacht plugged harbors buying selling moving betting trading oil, some of it goes around the world and back before it gets used.

Obama has not been the environmental president we wanted him to be, he will sure allow the tar sand pipeline to cross the biggest water source of the central US, he will risk it.  And after he does, the people that build and run and profit that pipeline and it's oil, will work with all their might to defeat him, he won't get one vote for doing it.

1 comment:

  1. jadedj:
    Hey, why do you always have to sugar coat everything, just say what you mean. Ugh. Well, I have some razor edged german steel kitchen knives we could use if we go that route, turn it into a kind of Bastille day. Didn't Mary Antoinette say "Let them eat cock"?

    Now by the way, this tar sands pipeline will deliver to south Texas the dirtiest oil in the world, first it takes fossil fuel to cook it out of the sand it's in, then at the refinery it produces tons of nasty left over sludge, fumes, and smoke. The result is a Toyota Prius burning this will cause as much CO2 as a hummer burning fuel from traditional oil.


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