Friday, September 16, 2011

Utah protecting homeowners form crazy new inventions.

Utah, the state best known for harems and magic underwear is taking action on energy. The church state there has decided this week to preserve the coal industry in the face of increased interest in new technologies. Almost all energy in GOP Utah comes from coal.  They took swift action to stem this dangerous clean energy crapola creeping into the state by limiting the number of home owners who can install PV solar panels each year.  Using a complex formula they determined the safe number was .........21.   Twenty fucking one.
More hotels have liquor licenses in Utah than homeowners who after this week can add PV's.  Sure I know, PV's work magically through the graces of a competitor deity, the mighty Sun God.  Damn the Sun God!

If you have spent time with Mormons, like I have, we had a Mormon book keeper that embezzled from the company,  it was going to be hard to prove in court, when she said if they move to Utah would we drop our case, we said get. ..... You know they have a religious mandate to be self sufficient for one year.  Their cellars and garages and church attics are stuffed with canned and dried food, bottled water, enough for the family to eat for a year.  Apparently if the grid goes down, not being able to cook their rice and dried mushrooms doesn't  alarm anyone.

I wanted to move to Utah when I was about 25, I thought it was so beautiful, the economy was jumping, we traveled there and went into a realty office and talked for a while about homes we had seen in the area.  The guy finally ask, are you Mormon?  No.  Well, it's not a good idea, it will be hard to find a job and make friends.


  1. Don't know why but your post made me think of this:

  2. Kevin;

    Thank you, that is a wonderful article. I urge any reader here to copy and paste that link and jump to it. Here is a couple lines ripped from the piece by Joshua Holland.

    He calls our current situation "the Tea Party's "austerity recession,"".

    Calling the GOP/Tea Party core a religion unto it's self referring to them as the true believers here : "And as those extreme weather events come at us faster and harder, keep in mind that the true believers who saw the world as a contest between good and evil consigned our entire scientific community to the latter category, and fought like hell for years to prevent us from doing anything about it."

  3. NAC/Fringe

    The evangelicals will not elect a Mormon. I don't care what Romney's platform is. Eden is in Missouri?
    Perry is the man and he is fucked himself with his views on social security...


  4. I predict - Jeb Bush or Rudolph Guiliani to run.
    Jeb has his brothers foreven stain and Rudy has more baggage that a fleet of airliners.


  5. Sarge I agree that the Evangelicals would never elect a Mormon. But there is more to the Republican party than the Evangelicals. Not to mention that there are many very unhappy "independents."

    To borrow a phrase from you, there will be a while lot of Wednesdays between now and the election.

  6. Fringe:

    Can't let that Sun God take precedence over Old King Coal.

  7. PV's are dangerous
    The Mormons are a bit like a cult. If you are a non Mormon, you are not allowed in the church. My parents know a couple where the husband is non Mormon and the wife is Mormon. He was not allowed inside the church for his daughter's wedding.


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