Friday, September 2, 2011

Tea Party Congressmen say tax breaks would end raging southwest wildfires.

Movie at 11.
Has anyone else been amused at Bachman's rocket sled scoot to the bottom,  in 3 weeks falling from #1 or #2 (depending on the poll) to #4 with 4% support.  Not 5, just 4, she's barely ahead of me, I poll at 1%.  She's fucking toast, cancel the lease on the bus already.   I don't care if you are tea party darling, your a fucking girl, the thumpers may have dozed off but they woke up and girls don't lead anybody anywhere in Southern Baptist churches, get an apron.


  1. Fringe:

    Bachmann was leaning so far to the right that she fell off the platform. :)

  2. She's still the poster girl for the John Birch Society. It's not much but it's something. ; )

  3. I can't believe you're ruining my chance for $2 a gallon gas. Oh, you heartless


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