Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Congress excludes US airlines from EU's pollution laws, cause we're special, nanny nanny boo boo!

Once again the US is showing it is the bully in the world, and in this case helping to pollute it.  The preliminary finding of the EU court a couple weeks ago went against the US airlines who were claiming we were being picked on if we had to pay a dirt tax or buy emission credits when zooming over Europe.  The court said fuck off, everyone pays, only if the tax was based on ignorance you could claim your being singled out.

So, yesterday, the Congress took time off from passing the 1,000th abortion law and pissing on the EPA and department of education to pass a law that exempts US airlines from EU pollution laws.  How absurd is that, we can exempt our corporations from the laws of other nations when they are in that nation?   The EU must be amused, maybe they could pass a law that exempts it's citizens from US speed limits while here, autobahn rules.

Now, China and India are fussing about the EU's law also, they didn't like it but were going along,  didn't want to be the one to look like an asshole.  Now that we are the orifice of record, they are whining about it too.  This law does not restrict anything, it just costs you more if you are shitting on the environment, and if you have the cleanest planes, you make money, you get to sell credits.   

Hang in there EU, the planets health is counting on you.


  1. Fringe:

    If one thinks the end is near, pollution doesn't seem so important. We should treat Mother Earth the way we treat our mothers.

  2. Whit:
    It could be near, and maybe it could be hastened along if we just waste and stink it up more.


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