Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm hot, therefore I am.

Although we had a hot summer in the US, and many other parts of the world, the greatest (relative)  increases in temperature are taking place in the winter.  Night time temperatures have increased more than have day times.  The deep ocean temperatures are increasing more than surface water temperatures.

What the ef?

Here is what this indicates,  our cooling system - our insulation is warming up, it's filling with heat.  This would be like if you had sensors in your walls and attic, they are getting hotter soaking in the heat while your comfort level is changing slower.  Eventually though, when your walls are loaded with their maximum thermal load in relation to the surroundings they fail to moderate further increases, it just passes them along.  

As night is less able to mediate the residual thermal units left over from the day, the feedback loop allows both to go higher, and so it is with winter vs. summer, and deep vs. shallow seas.   This feedback increases because it increases.  I'm hot, therefore I am.


  1. But there's still nothing to worry about, right?

  2. Yes, there is something to worry about, look at the Earth's history. Oh, and you don't have to look back more than 20,000 years or so, but if you really want to get scared, go back about 100,000. We're screwed and humans as they are organized now cannot do a thing about it.


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