Sunday, October 9, 2011

The trouble with women, they just won't listen.

GOP moral highlights of the day:
Topeka city council is debating overturning all the domestic violence laws for the city to save money.

Newt Gingrich is railing over the 1958 supreme court Brown v. Board of Education, also a Topeka Kansas violence against children event.

Perry's supporters say Mormons are a cult.

Santorum wants to stub his toe on gays in the military again, saying they make people nervous and could be prayed away.

Perry, shit, he didn't do anything worth writing about.

Herbie Cain says tax the poors food to pay for more tax cuts for the rich.

Palin said she won't run, she saw a mime at the window who talked to her.

Kansas GOP is running Reichwingers against most of it's current GOP office holders who many in the state call moderates, dems & moderate repubs are not welcome here, the trouble with moderates, they just won't fuck'n listen.

1 comment:

  1. Well,
    Is Austin out? Luv the place and Dallas - makes you furget yur in Tex-ass...



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