Thursday, February 2, 2012

'Eco-Atkins", stay'n alive, stay'n alive, oh oh oh oh stay'n alive.

Futures market indicate a 5% increase in prices this year for meat in the US. Thank drought in much of the continent, poor quality grassland, higher grain prices competing with ethanol, low animal weight gain in hot weather, in other words thank global warming and low mileage vehicles.
Did you know the feed stocks given to livestock world wide for food production would feed another 6+ billion people on a plant based diet?  Don't worry, it won't happen, it can't happen, the food industry is not prepared to feed that many more people pears and lima beans, the capacity isn't there, the infrastructure and transport isn't either, and I sure as hell don't need 6 billion more fuckers like you living on earth.  But, consider the original message here.  And,...... I had triglycerides of 850 a few years ago, changed the way I eat and exercise and in a couple of months it was 450, over the next several months it went to 160 where it moves around ± 15 points each year. The doctor said take statins, I never filled the order, doc was not amused, they do not like shit like this, they believe in pills.

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