Friday, February 24, 2012

My dead ancestors are going to convert to Mormonism

Two of my grandfathers, on dad's side, fought in the revolutionary war under Capt. Cox from Virgina.  They were brothers, later the cousins married, therefore the brothers are both amongst my list of grandfathers.  50 years ago, in California an older cousin married a mormon, and their kids we learned are  beginning the process of converting the dead to Mormon.

Is there any other religion that does this?  I read today that the process, what ever it is, has started to convert Anna Frank.  So will we need to change history now, to correct this.  The Nazi's chasing down the Mormons, shaving their heads, taking their wealth, exterminated them?  By the time they are done the Jews will have to ammend the number of dead, the Iranians will be right, the Jews have blown the whole thing out of proportion, it was the Mormons who have suffered.

If they convert my grandfathers, can't I enter the temple in Salt Lake, surely they won't turn me away, after all the Mormons did to win the Revolutionary War, and it's in my DNA, I need to start looking for some more wives, orgy time, ya gotta do it if you want your own planet when you die, and Obama better not make any more laws against religion like he did to make those stupid catholics give people working in their hospitals access to contraceptives, man that sucked.


  1. If any of you reading this are mormon, why don't you convert the heshites, or Muslims. Solve something with this magic, leave my granddads alone.

  2. My response is start gay marrying Mormons. Seriously. You can get an online ministry degree and file official paperwork filing in their details. And once it's **officially** filed their Mormon god is going to bar them for heaven.


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