Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lets see, herding global warming cats, or big money influencing politics and media?

How wild is this?   According to Senator Inhof (R-Koch) ((OK)) hundreds of scientist and researchers speaking different languages, in different fields, from nations and universities all over the world are taking directions and money from a few (mostly rag-tag) tree hugger groups to create this hoax.  Diabolical ain't it?  And amazingly, different groups looking at different events and causes are finding their data in different disiplines arrive at similar conclusions.    Even more incredible they are so well organized and have such a fanatical belief, no one of them will admit to the hoax or stop participating in it.

It seems only massive corporations can save us from the information these scientist want to share with us, and thank goodness deniers can explain it away each time it snows somewhere.  Long live the Oligarchs.
(90% in the cartoon above is wrong, the number of real scientist working in the field they were educated in which believe global warming is real is 98%, the agreement is much stronger than you think.  We have a physicists in the extended family, climate specialist for NASA, two years ago their office had threats, they now have no signs telling what it is or who works there, the building and doors are guarded,  for some reason people would do harm to people who record temperatures and ice thickness.  Any time I ask him about his work he says it is depressing, the data is stronger with every new set, we are falling in a hole.)

1 comment:

  1. Back to my same rant: How does climate change or global warming have a single fucking thing to do with the Bible and God? It is 52 degrees on the 28th of February in Indianapolis, Indiana.

    Is someone paying attention?



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