Thursday, January 17, 2013

Germans worried about mass fantasies in the US

I have a German friend in Berlin I have known for 35 years.  He, like most Germans, follows what's going on in the US closely.  While people in the US pay no attention to the goings on in Germany, they are truly informed about us.
A couple days ago he told me Germans believe the Republicans will damage our credit and economy which will also damage theirs.  As a nation of people better educated than we are (on average) they are curious how we can believe we will remain the most powerful nation in the world while cutting back education funding from pre-school to university.
All that was earlier emails.  But the main thing, and what he wrote about this time, is guns.  Specifically the Germans are worried about what he called "paranoid fantasies old white americans have that they are about to fight a rebellion against fascist", and (as practical Germans would speculate) they are spending their family resources hiding ammo in the cellar.
I can only reply to him that most of these old white boys are weighted down with glasses, pot bellies, bad knees and bladder trouble.  If the civil war starts on an icy morning, getting to the drug store for blood pressure meds on the way to attack the social security office will take skill, ensure, and a nitro tablet.

Hey freedom fighters, answer me this: Does medicare cover falls during civil insurrections?

Jokes aside, his alarm is warranted, what the hell are these guys doing other than stocking their house and head with dangerous possibilities that makes their home all the more likely a place a gun will take a life by accident, domestic violence, or suicide.  Suicide is the number one killer by guns, not a crime, suicide.  When you see the figure of 900 killed since SandyHook, it didn't include suicide, that number was larger, and mostly white men 35 to 70.

1 comment:

  1. My wife and I met a German couple at a Costa Rican resort in '05 and have maintained a friendship and contact ever since. They sometimes write and ask about the baffling things we do here, and half the time all I can do is shrug my shoulders and tell them our lunatics are running the asylum.
    It's amazing how aware they are of American politics and how little we know of theirs.


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