Thursday, January 31, 2013

Major energy accident disappoints calamity groupies, and fossil fuel promoters, oh I repeated myself.

A violent wind blew down a large wind turbine in Scotland this week.  Disaster report follows:
Oil spill = none
radioactive leaks = none
fisheries threatened = none
people evacuated  = none
gas leaks = none
rescue ships required = none
exclusion area established = none
people killed in explosion = none
fire crews responding = none
birds and otters needing cleaning = none
hazmat suits needed in aftermath = none
adjacent generation units at risk of domino style failure = none
adjacent generation units still operational = ALL
operational status of grid it was part of = unchanged
percent of energy the wind farm can still produce = almost as before
total replacement of damaged unit = a few months
damage to farmland it fell on = plow it a couple times and you'll never know it happened.


  1. i just don't know how to react with this. appears like a satire to me though.

    1. Well, satire or not, everything written there is true. These forms (wind, solar) of energy are such low threat to us when they fail, oil wells, pipelines, drilling rigs, nuke plants, coal fired power plants, hydro dams, all have greater threat to man and environment when they fail.


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