Saturday, March 9, 2013

check out Sierra Club wind issue

Sierra Club magazine current issue has a number of articles about wind energy.  The newest wind farms going up are now the lowest cost energy sources available.  Their is a hugh publicity campaign saying the opposite, which is a lie, and this lie is being parroted by republican politicians on the take from oil, coal and gas companies.
This is a short article touching on a group of farmers who built their own wind farm, pretty interesting, it's the lowest price power in the nation.  You will encounter a variety of numbers on the cost of electricity, these are not easy to understand unless you educate yourself on them.  Suffice it to say there are a variety of ways to state costs, and no matter the method used, the latest models of wind turbines wind are making cheap energy.

Among those who do not want to accept this, the first thing up is, it won't run all the time.  True, and still it doesn't matter because as a lower source with a flat cost (no fuel cost) every time it can be used the coal burner is turned down saving fuel, this averages the utility costs lower.


  1. Darrel,
    I am all for this wind power thing.
    Update on the SW Indiana coal gasification plant - there are all sorts of friction going in here with this - Amazingly, the cost impact on the consumers if the thing flops is a major concern in this Red State. It is in front of the Indiana State Supurior Court and already briefs have been filed with the Federal Court -Indiana Southern.
    Why should Hoosiers be made to pay more for natural gas produced from this plant than what we can buy it out of the ground?

    Darrel, it is madness!



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