Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sportsmen tell elected officials global warming is really happening

American Fisheries Society
American Fly Fishing Trade Association
Bass Anglers Sportsmen Society
Ducks Unlimited
Izaak Walton League of America
Quail Forever
Pheasants Forever
Trout Unlimited
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
Wildlife Management Institute

If you belong to one of these fishing or hunting groups, you may have, or soon will, be ask to write your representatives in Washington and in the state you live or travel to for sports. Identify that you are with the group.  Tell them you believe in global warming, you are seeing it in your trips to the field.  Tell them you expect them to take immediate and real action to curb greenhouse gasses and pollution.  
--------below, from thinkprogress.org/climate-------for info only, credit to same.

Science put 12 men on the moon and got them back, science eliminated smallpox, science put massive computing power in the palm of your hand, and science saved the ozone layer with its just-in-time warnings of the dangers of CFCs (that people heeded). Science builds a beautiful edifice on a solid foundation.
Anti-science delayed action on smoking regulations, delayed or rolled back environmental standards, and, now, is working over-time to stop or slow action on carbon reductions needed to prevent needless suffering for billions of people and countless future generations. Anti-science destroys life, by suffocating it in a “foundation” of quick-sand.


  1. I am going to the next meeting of pheasants forever.


    1. Great, you need to know pheasant populations are almost wiped out in some Kansas counties from drought and heat. Chicks can't survive 5 miles between water holes when cover is light and the heat is on.


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