Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Animals do not go to the circus, they are kidnapped to it.

This is not nice to watch, I think you will get the idea in a few seconds, that may be enough.
You may have the idea PETA makes complaints about the welfare of chicken eggs, but they do more than that, and much of it is important.  There are also video's of US circus's and wild life farms/drive through zoos behaving as badly, in fact one is much much worse, dragging an elephant down by chains and beating it with metal bars, it seems impossible it's legs weren't broken.
Do not take your children to the circus.  Tell them the truth, that wild animals are different from domestic animals such as dogs, they do not know how to do tricks, and it is a rare case that they learn it without beatings and cruelty, and standing on one leg or even two is unnatural and damages their muscles and bones as does living a life chained on concrete.  Kids can understand that, your not robbing them of their childhood by being honest.  No animal ever wanted to be in a circus.


  1. How right you are:

    Sea World is especially bad in that area, training animals to do silly things to entertain the audience. The Wild Animal Park is best in allowing people to see animals interacting in a more natural habitat.

  2. Whit, I grew up on a farm. No animal, not even those destined for the grill should be treated as circus animals often are.

  3. Fringe:

    Kidnapped.. Hijacked.. Hoodwinked and waylaid.. yes sir I never went to a circus and I never will, a zoo either for that matter. animals weren't meant to be caged or drug around on a leash.

  4. Scratch,
    I agree with you on zoo's as well, I find them in most every case disgusting. I do however see a small benefit in zoos as a last ditch effort to harbor near extinct species. I think overall though the downside of keeping them in cages or even moderate sized pens may be little better than the death of the species. What are we down to now in the lower 48 states, 15 condors, 200-400 wolf, 500 - 600 bear and puma? Tigers as One Angry Zebra posted are in the low hundreds now. The next generation will surly see the end of some major predator species. The number one thing people say they want to do in the Northern National Parks is ..... hear the wolf.

  5. Fringe,

    All this abuse is why they go crazy every so often and try to escape. I went to a circus once in my life, and that was enough. Too much really, I was sitting where I could see the trainer was actually hitting the big cats with his whip.

  6. Disturbing footage. I was glad to see in the comments section that the elephant was released from the circus after a public info campaign.

    I remember way back I would read about animal rights activists demonstrating against circuses. At that time, I thought (like many people) they were a bunch of nuts. However, I live and learn. I think the internet is a great tool for posting these videos and other information to educate people. I think the tide is turning, and hopefully more of this stuff will be phased out.

    On a negative note, I read where Sea World was bringing back the killer whale that killed the trainer. So far they are eliminating any trainer contact, but I wonder how long that will last. I'd like to see these parks get rid of their wild animals as well.


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