Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Please fix your sites. I can't even go see some of you.

Hey!  Dummy up!  I have 10 icons of followers.  The following do not get me to your site.
Skinny Guy,    kjmack,      bmcohen2780,   and  Joram Echeles.  Clicking on these only leads me to a white page where nothing clickable delivers me to the intended site.
I wish I could tell you how to fix this, but so far as I know Sherry is the expert and maybe she could "splain you" if you ask, you can click on her icon (the kitty) and it will lead you to her white page and you click on the "Link" and in you go.  


  1. YF, I don't know why their blogs aren't showing up on their white page. It should be the same as their profiles, but for some reason it isn't.

    Check your dashboard under Blogs I Follow, they should show up there if you're following them.

  2. Fringe, I (kjmack) actually have the same problem with your site.

    I'll try some things.

  3. OK try going here http://dontbelieveverything.blogspot.com/
    then going up and clicking on "follow" and follow the prompts. That SHOULD work.

    I think I have confused the system by both starting a new blog and reactivating an old account. Or something.

  4. The icons are linked to people's profiles I think. If I follow my own site, then it would appear in the list of "blogs I follow" when you click on my icon, and you could then get to my site. I'll do that for you.

    I follow the blogs either through browser bookmarks, or the dashboard. Dashboard collects all the blogs you follow and lets you see updates.

  5. Thanks for all the comments, lets see if I can follow them and fix something.


Anonymous comments might end up in the trash.