Monday, March 21, 2011

Even those who deny global warming found the evidence true.

A climate study at Berkeley alarmingly was packed by the funding source at Carnaghi Institute with a number of Koch and the GOP’s climate denier pseudo scientist as project researchers. Amazingly when they looked at the data, they were convinced of the opposite the expected.  I am confident it was not what the fossil fuel industry thought they were buying.  Yes, it concludes.  Yes, “we are seeing substantial global warming”.  The dominant term is, “substantial”. 

The study looked at the voluminous temperature records of NOAA, NASA, and HadCRU (in Europe). The study set out checking for mistakes and inconsistencies of each and how they meshed as a body of work, they concluded the measured evidence is valid, and the data in each are in agreement.  This study looked only at land temperatures.  The far greater rise in temperature is the planet’s lakes and oceans.  Had both land and water masses been examined as a whole, the outcome would be even stronger.  It also looked at possible contributors such as volcano, earth orbit, solar flare etc. and found these were not responsible.

As a grain grower I can assure you (and this data is available in most county agriculture extension office) soil temperatures are higher than 40 years ago.  Harvest of wheat in central Kansas went from July 4 to early/mid June in this period.  While a few climate change deniers concede some warming they do not understand agriculture and often ramble on of some flippant imagined advantages of warming. However, Russia demonstrated last year temperatures 17°f above normal cut their corn output by about 75%.  The word for this happening a few years in quick succession is famine.

I know, some of you would like me to know it’s been cold at your house and NASA is to stupid to know your pipes froze. Well, global warming means the whole globe, and I am sure they tracked the air mass that iced the step that led to the fall that threatened your coccyx.   Fixed stations and satellites gather thousands of samples every day from pole to pole.  Adding in your problems, yea it still got warmer.
Cross posted by The Yellow Fringe & Killer Puffin alliance for death after life.


  1. Being "cold at your house" is the change in the weather; global warming is the change in the climate.

  2. Many deniers insist that it's all just "part of a cycle."

    I fear that the next part of the cycle, the "return," will happen after a few billion of us die. That should cool things down quite a bit. ; )

  3. Whit, Correct, and clearly put, you may take a get out of jail free card.

  4. NAC,
    I had not heard of the "return", I guess it is the feed back loop's pay back or the "market correction" of the environment. Well, it is certain a few billion will die, but how, and because of what? If the temperatures climb as expected agriculture will be unable to support the population, and billions may die due to this. It will not be possible to simply move farming from the midwest to Canada if the area grows hot and fertility of food crops diminishes. Top soil is not the same in far north climates, crops are suited to the whole of where they exist, not just temperature, acidity, volume of top soil, mineral content, days of sunshine etc. Yes crops could be grown where they are not now, but the production will fall greatly.


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