Friday, March 18, 2011

Sustainable Energy Sources Survived, Still Working

      Throughout the Japanese earthquake zone Wind Energy Turbines survived, PV Solar panels survived, solar water heaters survived.
       At the instant the earth shook, a number of the nuclear plants went off line and must be inspected before they will return, and one was utterly destroyed and will cause Japan a great deal of trouble and money for some weeks or longer.
       In the area are some wind energy turbines.  All survived, connections were lost to a small percent of them but was restored right away.  PV Solar in the area is small but all survived that were out of the flood zone.  Solar water heaters are on many private homes, and survived outside the flood zone.  Japanese utilities are asking these green sources to provide as much energy as they possibly can now, a change, as in the US these sources are often kept off line by the dominant utility providers who see them as competitors to their coal and nuclear investments. 
       At sea, near the disaster area are a number of Wind Energy Turbines.  These too were unharmed and are generating electricity.  If you are not aware of Tsunami characteristics, at sea the wave and swell is very small, it poses no danger to ships or structures. Only as the wave nears land, in shallow water, does it rise up and become a danger.
       Diverse Survivable Energy Sources, which have a low failure impact, when dispersed, provide the best defense against disaster.  A disconnected cable at a windmill does not require evacuation of whole towns, a broken PV panel needs no fleet of fire trucks and helicopters to bomb it with water.   The total cost of energy is all the more economical when we consider that calamities are made worse without Reliable and Survivable Energy Sources.
     Cross posted by The Yellow Fringe & Killer Puffin alliance of free range sots.


  1. Why don't we hear about this in the MSM, eh Fringe?

  2. NAC, There's no sympathy in it, no heroics, no danger. But, I think we need to be aware of this, it points us in the right direction.


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