Monday, April 18, 2011

Illegal to know, illegal to see, US corporatism in action.

Why?  In the USA, why?
Government will not allow further testing of baby whales, or dolphin found dead or ill along the Gulf coast, could it be that the first tested show oil and chemicals killed them??
During the oil spill clean up last year on the gulf coast, BP workers were allowed to harass and detain people who took photo's of oil clean up, the Coast Guard made it a crime to photo some areas of the oil spill??
It is a crime for a slaughterhouse to test more than a set number of animals for mad cow disease??
A number of states have laws making it illegal to photograph hog farms, chicken farms??
..... illegal to photograph slaughterhouse activities??
..... illegal to photograph puppy farms (pet industry)??
What crimes can you commit by being informed?


  1. If people do not know about something then they don't talk about it. People get to talking and the next thing you have is them demanding answers and going to the media - then comes protests and all sorts of civil unrest...

    That just won't do - not in America...


  2. Fringe:

    "What crimes can you commit by being informed?"

    The same crimes committed by Daniel Ellsberg in publishing the Pentagon Papers and the 300 cables revealed by Julian Assange in the Wikileaks case.

  3. Don't forget Woodward and Bernstein. Power vs. power. That time the power of the press trumped the power of the presidency, and the people won.

  4. Fringe:
    Dam what a guy could do with a majic wand!

  5. That government halt of testing dolphins, etc is probably tied in with BP trying to control scientific work. I have a hunch Obama and others want to minimize any bad information, so there's not as much blowback against them as there was against Bush after Hurricane Karina. It's drastic evidence unfortunately that Obama will throw everyone under the bus to keep his record clean.

  6. Unfortunately, in this case the media practices the principles of "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." Meanwhile, the corporations continue to do evil.

  7. Ignorance is bliss.

    BP has the money to make things go away and as Skinny noted above here, maybe things have to stay quiet unless you want Trump as your President. It is a sad,sad world of money, greed and power that we live in. I am losing faith in all Government a little each day.

  8. Whit makes a good point about the three monkeys, or I mean the media.

  9. Skinny and Red Mosquito,
    Now I read that the reason they are not allowing testing is due to the law suits in progress some of which involve the government, so they don't want to let out legal bias info. OK I sort of understand that, but I think if things are still being killed in the gulf and sea food and water sport safety might be suspect, it ought to be public knowledge.

  10. Sarge and Pops, take the civil unrest potential from gulf coast businesses and people being hurt and uncompensated, and shake that magic wand over them.

  11. NAC, Would Woodward and Bernsein be available to do dig into this and many other messes out there it would be a benefit, but the news business is not interested now in long expensive investigations, profit profit.


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