Friday, April 29, 2011

Your dog won't burn

University of Indiana tested dogs, house pets.  They found fire retardant in them, at 10 times the level of humans.  Fire retardant chemicals in carpets and furniture is absorbed on contact.   Ever wonder why so many dogs die of cancer and lumpy sores on their skin?  The test did not check for the chemicals that make it stain proof, like Koch's StainMaster, and it did not check for yard chemicals or deck wood treatments, these would have added to the cocktail of posions.
The test also did not check children and babies, who's sweaty little feet and hands wick up these chemicals just as the dogs do.  Wood and tile my offer a safer floor, and if you shop hard, you can find a few chemical free carpets and furniture coverings.  Fire retardant furniture treatments you can thank on the cigarette smokers for starting so many fires.


  1. You know, I wonder if the increased use of fire retardants in the last 10 to 20 years is tied in to increased child health problems?


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