Friday, April 15, 2011

Indiana Gov. tries his hand at slamming educated people, but that's not who is waiting to kick him in the balls.

     Governor Mitch Daniels, (Koch - Indiana), scoundrels he calls them, those 97ish % of scientist in climate related fields who agree on global warming.  "Consensus is the refuge of scoundrels", says the guy who shares the same views on this issue with most fossil fuel businessmen and the GOP.   No, that's not a consensus when the GOP and business agree, that's unanimity, see that's not a scoundrel thing.
     Mitch said the debate is "dominated by experts from the "University of Hollywood", says the man who a moment ago indicated it was a plot by scoundrel scientist but now it's these other dudes or???
     The name calling continued the gov. saying that it was the "P.C. Institute of Technology" of silicone valley that was doing this.  Damn I can hardly keep up with these shape changing transformer  evil educated guys hogging all the good discoveries up from the business majors and high school dropouts.
    Mitch has a tough road ahead of him, it's choked with name callers and fear mongers, first debate with Bachman before he lowers his zipper to get the light on his globes she'll have him fighting the RHINO label.

1 comment:

  1. That is Daniel's biggest problem - he is not obtuse enough for the far right - He thinks solving the budget problem is more important than things like banning abortion (although he is expected to sign one of the most restrictive laws on abortion in the nation), defunding planned parenthood and NPR, making English the official language, and banning gay marriage.



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