Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Business degree candidates for President, line up on the right.

Time again for the GOP to trot out the rich corporate horses for the race to the White House.   "Oh I had to make a payroll, I made the tough decisions, I created thousands of jobs, I have a business major".  The GOP wants to run the nation like a business for profit.  Nations have higher callings than pizza huts and insurance brokers and oil men.    Lets take stock at the kind of business they have delivered us in the last few years.

1. President Obama is the CEO.
2. The congress and senate are the board of directors.  We have well over half the board of directors who want the corporation to fail so as to make the CEO look bad.  They openly state this, and we see they will hold up, block and harm every attempt the CEO or the minority board members work for, no matter the harm to the company, and what work they do appears to be on behalf of the richest 10% of society to whom they work for directly if you examine who are the primary sources of their monies.
3. The public are at the same time the stock holders and the customers of this Republican fantasy corporate nation.  For the most part the stock holders do not know their job, try to educate themselves in their investment, and rarely if ever participate.  Worse a shocking number of them listen to the most shrill sources of information which often proves to be false.

This coveted business experience usually amounts to little more than either inheriting wealth and connections, or creating jobs in China.  The rest is crap, next time you think you want a corporation style government run by oil men, remember that during the Bush years, we erased a surplus, killed the middle class, and made the USA the least likely developed nation in the world where you can socially and financially climb from the bottom to the top.  Least likely, yea, do you think we need even more government run like a corporation?


  1. Since the business of the US seems to be business, that sounds about right.

  2. But yet the Republicans would have let GM and Chryler go under. Now, they are booming and paying back the money loaned with interest.

    They are saying - well, shit.



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