Friday, June 10, 2011

If you know someone who wants solar panels, heres a deal
Sierra Club has worked a deal with this supplier, to give a good price to the buyer or to lease a system, and they get money too.  My house is mostly in heavy shade which saves my AC bill.  Until a storm blows the trees down, I can't go solar, plus I have to get approval for the change in appearance from the neighborhood committee, unlikely they would approve the standard panel. However there are some solar tiles coming out next year which might pass the look pretty test if ever the trees blow away.


  1. Fringe,
    Homeowner covenants are rarely legally binding. I sold a man three red maples and was out there when they were being installed - Here came this fat thing in hair curlers screaming something about a three tree limit in the front yard. She called the cops!
    The cop arrived and told her that this isn't his business - she got irate and he told her to get her ass in the house. The trees werw installed and treated and noting more came of it. Remember the CMH winner up in David's area that wanted to put up a flag pole and fly Old Glory - there was a covenant aginst flag poles!
    Amazingly, that was headed for court when the publicity around it stopped that.
    You own the property - tell them assholes to lick yours...


    Oh, I wemt by the Army Finanace Center at Ft Harrison - solar panels all over that roof - five and a half acres...

  2. Sarge,
    In my neighborhood they are enforced all the time. We take people to court for parking boats in the yard or not mowing all the time and win. We made 3 homeowners take off new roofs this year that were in violation of the covenents, that's 20,000 fucking mistake for each of them, and the roofs came off. I have no intent in bucking the covenants. When I was about to buy this house I was told the neighborhood council has covenants, I got the copy, read it, and bought the house. People who do not want to abide should not buy where there are neighborhood standards. We have a couple of retired attorneys who do the case free, and boy they have win 100% of them. Mostly it's stuff like if your dog raises hell the neighborhood will swear out complaint after complaint, in a few weeks your in court facing fines and jail for habitual disturbing the peace, park a boat or trailier or car in the yard, no back yard sheds, you have to keep a minimum number of trees and bushes, mow your yard, no walls, no fences, let your house run down and we'll paint it for you and go to court for you to pay for it, paint your house purple or red or some shit color and we'll repaint it too. Sounds like hell, but everyone buying here knows what they signed up for, there is actually very little trouble. The scuffle over the roofs this year was pretty unusual.

  3. We too live in heavy shade and do not get direct sunlight for 4 months of the year, but they say we could still use solar heating.
    But what are you guys over there up against. Here we do not have neighborhood committees. We can do pretty much what we want to as long as it is within the city council by laws. I would like the neighbors at the top of the cliff to trim their trees and could set the council on them. I have a fence that is painted black, purple and mauve and no body has said a thing. Come and live over here.


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